Frequently asked questions

Civitas Team

What criteria do you use to select members? 

Be a founder, co-founder or owner of a business (20%+ shareholding) or hold the top position in the company and are directly responsible for all operations of the business. i.e. CEO or managing director. Have plans to grow your business to R100m or R1b more in annual revenue with in 10-years. Meet with a Civitas advisor in which we assess the trustworthiness, caliber and growth potential of the business and founder. 

How do I join Civitas? 

Step 1: Meet an advisor - Submit your contact details and a Civitas advisor will contact you. 

Step 2: Experience Civitas - Join a CEO peer advisory group for a 35 day free trial. After two sessions decide if Civitas is the right fit for you and your business. 

Step 3: Guest membership - Join as a guest and get access to peer advisory groups, CEO tools, event and the Civitas network. 

Step 4: Full membership - Achieve revenue growth of 300% per year or achieve annual revenues of R20m. 

Can my membership be revoked? 

Yes, members that do not follow the Civitas code of conduct will have membership revoked. 

Do we help founders get funding? 

Yes, we have a fund raising process, annual demo day and introduce founders to investors that we have relationships.

Who will I be in a group with? 

We put groups together based on the revenue, team size, similarity of the business and the experience of the founders. 

What is the time commitment? 

One advisory peer group session once a month for two to three hours running for 10 months of the year between February and November. All other events are optional. 

What cities is Civitas operating in? 

Currently Johannesburg but will be expanding to other cities in the future. 

How is Civitas different to YPO, EO and other CEO networks? 

We are not members of YPO, EO and other CEO networks so we don’t have first hand experience. However, members of YPO and EO tell us we differ in the following ways: We do all the administration of groups vs. members doing the administration of the groups. We have growth advisors in each session to share best practice and contacts. We have different entry criteria. We select members over a 12 month guest period vs. an interview process.  We have lower membership fees. We have a structured programme that can be followed similar to an accelerator. We provide time saving CEO tools. We currently only in Johannesburg vs other CEO networks are global. Growth advisors facilitate connections between members. 

How much does Civitas cost? 

A nominal fee of R990 per month excl. VAT.

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